I took an incredible training in LA at the end of June and I am now a Certified NeoLifting® Therapist. So, what is NeoLifting®?
NeoLifting® offers a non-invasive approach to minimize the signs of aging and ethically restore your facial features, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, reduce facial puffiness, improve skin texture, calm the mind and alleviate tension to create that sculpted youthful look and radiant glow, while you enjoy a well-deserved nervous system decompression.
This treatment is a welcome alternative to Botox, fillers, cosmetic surgeries, and other invasive methods used to reverse signs of aging which can compromise the function of our skin. Unlike other methods, it addresses the root causes of aging rather than the symptoms. It's best for preventative care, mature skin target areas, after weight loss, special occasions, dull skin, and to soften and tone particular areas of the face.
Like all holistic modalities, it is not an overnight fix. It works with the body by supporting and uplifting the body systems. The focus of this treatment is on tissue health and not being destructive to it, improving circulation and not stopping it, and building up the resiliency of the tissues and not breaking them down.
It is something dear to my heart because it is not about stopping aging or even seeking some ideal of beauty that seeks to make us all the same. It is about pro-aging, feeling good, and looking like your own gorgeous self. It is what I believe bodywork should be, about bringing us back to ourselves and our bodies and making us feel good. It speaks to what I deeply believe and that is that we are all incredibly beautiful. You are beautiful.
While this treatment is wonderful as a stand-alone appointment, to really reap the full benefits it works best in a series. It is similar to a Rolfing Series or even going to see a trainer at the gym. You cannot go to the gym one time and expect to see a lasting difference.
It is gently reworking and restructuring the tissues of the face into new patterns while helping to release old patterns. There is a saying that goes, all our issues get stuck in our tissues, and it is common for tissues to revert to familiar patterns even when those patterns are not supportive of us.
By working with the fascia each week, it allows patterns in the tissues to be released and reorganized. Each treatment is 105 minutes with the initial appointment being 2 hours including intake. The following series is recommended:
To start: 6 sessions at 1 session per week
Second step: 4 sessions at 1 session every two weeks
Maintain results: 1 session per month
The cost for a single session of NeoLifting® is $350
The cost for a series of 6 sessions is $1800, which is a $300 savings
I am so excited to bring this manual therapy to the treatment room and offer such an integrative and effective massage. Buccal massage, deep tissue facial massage and manual lymphatic drainage is incredibly healing for our faces which carry so much tension and stored emotions. It is always an honor to welcome you here and be trusted on your healing journeys.